Roses sweets and mixed chocolate bouquet
This stunning bouquet is an ideal gift for many occasions whether it is a birthday or Christmas or just a celebration. Contains a carton of cadburys chocolate roses and 13 bars of mixed chocolate bars.
This bouquet comes in a purple bouquet boc with pull bow ribbon and white tissue paper and the chocolates are displayed on wooden skewers with peach coloured artificial foam roses.
Comes gift wrapped in cellophane and ribbon to give that perfect gift finish.
Roses sweets and mixed chocolate bouquet
This stunning bouquet is an ideal gift for many occasions whether it is a birthday or Christmas or just a celebration. Contains a carton of cadburys chocolate roses and 13 bars of mixed chocolate bars.
This bouquet comes in a purple bouquet boc with pull bow ribbon and white tissue paper and the chocolates are displayed on wooden skewers with peach coloured artificial foam roses.
Comes gift wrapped in cellophane and ribbon to give that perfect gift finish.